- 媒体报道
3月21日,国际权威金融杂志《欧洲货币》(Euromoney)在伦敦揭晓2024年全球私人银行奖(Euromoney Global Private Banking Awards)评选结果,华港财富凭借卓越的表现荣膺“Hong Kong’s Best Chinese Multi-Family Office”(香港最佳联合家族办公室),成为今年唯一一家在全球类别中获胜的中国联合家族办公室。
Fargo Wealth wins this award for the differentiated approach and comprehensive services it provides to entrepreneurs and families.
The firm is a China and Asia-focused, digital-first multi-family office. It provides next generation wealth and asset management capabilities, family office services and an incubation platform to support the growth and development of investment offices and external asset managers.
It is a distinct proposition, designed to cater to the wealthy entrepreneurs of the region's new economy enterprises across industries such technology, media and telecoms, biotech, and consumer.
Its approach seems to be working. Over 80% of its private clients - which include technology titans such as ByteDance, Alibaba and Baidu - come from the new economy sectors. In addition, more than 70% of its clients are under the age of 50, highlighting how attractive Fargo's proposition is to younger generations.
华港财富(Fargo Wealth)是一家总部位于香港的联合家族办公室和外部资产管理人,主要服务以互联网、硬科技为代表的新经济公司创始人、高管和早期员工。核心业务包括财富管理、资产管理、家族办公室、金融科技和孵化平台,并在香港、新加坡、北京、上海、深圳和杭州设有办公室。